{ "@context": [ "http://www.w3.org/ns/anno.jsonld", "http://iiif.io/api/presentation/2/context.json" ], "@type": "sc:Manifest", "@id": "https://esie.space/index.php/do/fd095e82-4f31-4fee-a8eb-6d2267f0beae/iiif/manifest", "label": "", "description": "Image of headstone of William S. Agate, a businessman who lived in Pittsford, NY at the time of the widening of the Erie Canal in 1910. The headstone has incorrect dates, which should be listed as 1838-1914. William and his younger brother, John, were co-owners of the Agate malthouses and brewery, a complex along the south side of the canal west of the Main Street bridge. In 1910 when the canal was widened, the Agate compound was one of the places taken, along with William’s home. The malthouse and outbuildings were dismantled brick by brick, and the bricks were floated down the Erie Canal and used in construction of the Clark building on South Main St. in Fairport, NY.", "metadata": [ { "label": "description", "value": "Image of headstone of William S. Agate, a businessman who lived in Pittsford, NY at the time of the widening of the Erie Canal in 1910. The headstone has incorrect dates, which should be listed as 1838-1914. William and his younger brother, John, were co-owners of the Agate malthouses and brewery, a complex along the south side of the canal west of the Main Street bridge. In 1910 when the canal was widened, the Agate compound was one of the places taken, along with William’s home. The malthouse and outbuildings were dismantled brick by brick, and the bricks were floated down the Erie Canal and used in construction of the Clark building on South Main St. in Fairport, NY." }, { "label": "navDate", "value": "October 21st at 11:42am" }, { "label": "license", "value": "http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC-EDU/1.0/" }, { "label": "attribution", "value": "Provided by Archipelago's demo" } ], "sequences": [ { "@id": "https://esie.space/index.php/do/fd095e82-4f31-4fee-a8eb-6d2267f0beae/iiif/sequence/normal", "@type": "sc:Sequence", "label": "Current Page Order", "viewingDirection": "left-to-right", "viewingHint": "paged", "canvases": [ { "@id": "https://esie.space/index.php/do/fd095e82-4f31-4fee-a8eb-6d2267f0beae/iiif/canvas/p1", "@type": "sc:Canvas", "height": 1200, "label": "p. 1", "images": [{ "@type": "oa:Annotation", "motivation": "sc:painting", "resource":{ "@id": "https://esie.space/index.php/:8183/iiif/2/05a%2Fimage-k-146-agate-william-cf9a519c-b7ee-49e1-937d-506160b37dc2.jpg/full/1500,/0/default.jpg", "@type": "dctypes:Image", "format": "image/jpeg", "service": { "@context": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/context.json", "@id": "https://esie.space/index.php/:8183/iiif/2/05a%2Fimage-k-146-agate-william-cf9a519c-b7ee-49e1-937d-506160b37dc2.jpg", "profile": "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level2.json" }, "width":1500 }, "on": "https://esie.space/index.php/do/fd095e82-4f31-4fee-a8eb-6d2267f0beae/iiif/canvas/p1" }] } ] }], "structures": [{ "@id": "https://esie.space/index.php/do/fd095e82-4f31-4fee-a8eb-6d2267f0beae/iiif/range/r1", "@type": "sc:Range", "label": "Introduction", "canvases": [ "https://esie.space/index.php/do/fd095e82-4f31-4fee-a8eb-6d2267f0beae/iiif/canvas/p1" ] }] }